Andre Torre publication

Torre A.

Smart development for peripheral areas. A never-ending story?

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2022, Tér és Társadalom (Hungarian Review of Regional Science), 36, 3, 10-27.

Andre Torre publication

Jambou M., Torre A., Dermine-Brullot S., Bourdin S.

Inter-firm cooperation and local industrial ecology processes: evidence from three French case studies

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2022, The Annals of Regional Science,, 68, 331-358. DOI: 10.1007/s00168-021-01088-5

Andre Torre publication

Bourdeau-Lepage L., Schmitt G., Torre A.

Les territoires au temps du Covid : recherches en sciences humaines et sociales

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2022, Développement Durable et Territoires, Les territoires au temps de la pandémie, 13, 2, 1 - 18.

Andre Torre publication

Torre A.

Proximités et Covid 19 : un rôle renforcé

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2022, Marché & Organisations, 43, 135-148.

Andre Torre publication

Niang A., Torre A., Bourdin S.

Territorial governance and actors' coordination in a local project of anaerobic digestion A social network analysis

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2021, European Planning Studies, 30, 7, 1251 – 1270;

Andre Torre publication

Torre A., Dermine-Brullot S.

The circular economy, solution for a sustainable territorial development

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2021, Indian Journal of Regional Science, LIII, 1, 15 – 28.

Andre Torre publication

Torre A.

Réflexions sur les possibilités d'un développement territorial durable

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2021, Canadian Journal of Regional Science, Revue Canadienne des Sciences Régionales, 44, 3, 111 – 120.

Andre Torre publication

Zhang Y., Torre A., Ehrlich M.

Governance Structure of Rural Homestead Transfer in China: Government and/or Market?

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2021, Land, 10(7), 745;

Andre Torre publication

Chia E., Torre A.

Gobernanza territorial a través del prisma de los instrumentos, aprendizajes y conflictos.

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2020, Investigaciones Geográficas,, 60, 18-34.

Andre Torre publication

Dermine-Brullot S., Torre A.

Quelle durabilité pour le développement territorial ? Réflexions sur les composantes spatiales de l’économie circulaire,

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2020, Natures, Sciences, Sociétés,, 28, 2, 108-117.

Andre Torre publication

Bourdin S., Torre A.

The circular economy as a means of territorialisation of European industry

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2020, Symphonya Emerging Issues in Management, , 2, DOI: 10.4468/2020.2.04BOURDIN.TORRE

Andre Torre publication

Bourdin, S., Torre, A.

The territorial big bang: which assessment about the territorial reform in France?

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2020, European Planning Studies, 29, 11, 1-18

Andre Torre publication

Torre A.

Nuevas propuestas para analizar el desarrollo territorial

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2020, Eutopía. Revista de Desarrollo Económico Territorial,, 17: 11-24. DOI: 10.17141/eutopia.17.2020.4549

Andre Torre publication

Niang A., Bourdin S., Torre A.

L’économie circulaire, quels enjeux de développement pour les territoires ?

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Mai 2020, Développement Durable et Territoires, [En ligne], Vol. 11, n°1, Avril.

Andre Torre publication

Pumain D., Torre A.

Regional science: economy and geography in France and French-speaking countries,

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2020, Papers in Regional Science,, 99:293–313.