Curriculum vitae

TORRE André, born 1st June 1957 in Algiers (ALGERIA)
Orcid: 0000-0001-5644-7520
H index: 57 (Google scholar), 22 (Scopus)

Fellow of the Regional Science Association International
Member of Academia Europaea, the Academy of Europe
Member of the French Academy of Agriculture

André Torre is Distinguished Professor of Economics, at University Paris-Saclay, INRAE, AgroParistech. His research was for a long time at the cross roads of spatial and industrial economics. It has now become more multi-disciplinary and increasingly focused on questions related to territorial development processes and land use planning. He has published several articles and 25 books, mostly on issues related to spatial coordination between people or groups of people.

Andre’s research currently focuses on the analysis of proximity relations and on their importance in processes of territorial development. It centers on three main areas: local interactions between innovative firms and organizations; land use, urban-rural and political conflicts; local dimensions of circular economy.


– Habilitation à Diriger les Travaux de Recherches, Sept. 1988, University Nice Sophia Antipolis (HB)
Doctorat de Sciences Economiques – June 1985, University Nice Sophia Antipolis (PHD)


– Jan. 2023 – current: Research Professor, Distinguished, University Paris-Saclay, INRAE ACT division, UMR SAD-APT, AgroParistech
– Feb. 2008 – Dec. 2022: Research Professor, 1st class, University Paris-Saclay, INRAE ACT division, UMR SAD-APT, AgroParistech
– Oct. 1994 – Feb. 2008: Research Professor, 2nd class, INRA SAD division: UR LRDE Corte (Oct. 1994 -Sept. 1997), then UMR SAD-APT, AgroParistech
– Oct. 1987 – Oct. 1994: Assistant Research Professor at CNRS, University Nice Sophia-Antipolis (UMR LATAPSES)
– Oct. 1986 – Oct. 1987: Contract researcher at CNRS (UMR LATAPSES, Sophia-Antipolis)
– Oct. 1985 – Oct. 1986: Assistant Professor at University Nice Sophia-Antipolis
– Oct. 1982 – Oct. 1985: Lecturer at University Nice Sophia-Antipolis
– Jan. 2009 – Jan. 2010: External collaborator to DATAR (Délégation à l’Aménagement du Territoire et à l’Action Régionale, French Ministry of Aménagement du Territoire)


3.1. President of INRAE Centre of Corsica (2021 – onward)

3.2. President of the COFECUB: Committee for scientific relations between France and Brazil (2021 – onward)

3.3. President of ERSA (European Regional Science Association) (2019 – 2024)

3.4. President of the French Speaking Section of ERSA (ASRDLF) (2009 – 2011)

3.5. National Head of PSDR 3 & 4 Programs (Pour et Sur le Développement Régional) (2008 – 2020)

3.6. Head of the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, MSH, University Paris-Saclay (2018 – 2019)

3.7. Management of research teams

– 2006 – 2015: manager of Proximités team, UMR SAD-APT
– 2005 – 2014: deputy head of UMR SAD-APT (INRA SAD – AgroParistech)
– 2007- 2008: deputy head of Grenoble PSDR team


– 2011 – onward: Managing editor of Revue d’Economie Régionale et Urbaine / Journal of Regional and Urban Economics
– Member of the scientific committee of the Journals: Asian Journal of Regional Science; Economie Rurale ; EyesReg ; Géographie, Economie, Société ; Geography Journal ; Indian Journal of Regional Science ; Journal for Spatial and Organizational Dynamics; Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences : Open Environmental Journal ; Revue d’Economie Régionale et Urbaine ; REGION ; Territoires du Futur ; Spatial Economics ; Studia Regionalia ; Urban Planning.


– 2022 – 2025: IN SITU (Place-based innovation of cultural and creative industries in non-urban areas), Horizon Europe, European Union (managing WP5)
 2020 – 2023: DESIRA (Digitisation; Economic and Social Impacts in Rural Areas), Horizon 2020, European Union (managing WP4)
 2013 – 2017: TASTE (Towards a Smart Rural Europe), ERA-NET Ruragri, FP 7, European Union (Main coordinator)
 2006 – 2009: COVER (Conflits d’usage et de Voisinage dans les Espaces Ruraux et périurbains), ADD Program (Main Coordinator)
 2005 – 2008: ANDYCOTE (Analyse des Dynamiques Conflictuelles dans les Territoires français), ANR (Main Coordinator)


– 2017 – current: University sessions of the European Week of Regions and Cities (EWRC), EU, Brussels
– 2021: Territorial Futures – Visions and scenarios for a resilient Europe, 60th ERSA Congress (Online)
– 2020: Transitions pour le développement des territoires, Connaissances et pratiques innovantes pour des modèles agricoles et alimentaires résilients, Symposium final PSDR4, INRAE, Online
– 2017: Workshop Future paths for a smart rural Europe? AgroParisTech, Paris.
– 2013: Colloque SFER Circuits Courts de Proximités, AgroParisTech, Paris
– 2012: Workshop Do Rural Regions count? AgroParisTech, Paris
– 2012: Les chemins du développement territorial, Symposium final INRA – PSDR, Clermont-Ferrand
– 2011: Workshop Proximity and Regional Development, AgroParisTech, Paris
– 2007: Local governance and sustainable development, 47th ERSA Congress, Paris (France)
– 2004: Proximity Congress, University Paris-South, Paris
INRAE Summer Schools: 2016: Le Développement territorial sous tous ses Aspet(s)! (Aspet); 2010: Chemins de recherches partenariales et interdisciplinaires (Carcans): 2004: Science juridique: Contributions aux problématiques de l’INRA (Paris); 1999 : Economie Spatiale et Régionale, Applications à l’Agriculture, l’Agro-alimentaire et l’Espace Rural Le Croisic) 

Selection of recent publications


Torre, A., 2023, Contribution to the theory of Territorial development – A territorial innovation approach; Regional Studies. Doi: 10.1080/00343404.2023.2193218

Niang, A., Bourdin, S., Torre, A., 2023, The geography of circular economy: job creation, territorial embeddedness and local public policies, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, Doi: 10.1080/09640568.2023.2210749

Torre, A., Wallet, F., Huang, J., 2023, A collaborative and multidisciplinary approach to knowledge-based rural development: 25 years of the PSDR program in France, Journal of Rural Studies, 97, 428-437. DOI: 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2022.12.034

Torre, A., Fonseca, B., 2023, Conflict and oppositions in the development of peri‐urban agriculture: The case of the Greater São Paulo region, Sociologia Ruralis, DOI:10.1111/soru.12375

Bourdin S., Torre A., 2022, Geography of Contestation: A Study on the Yellow Vest Movement and the Rise of Populism in France, Journal of Regional Science, DOI: 10.1111/jors.12620

Niang A., Torre A., Bourdin B., 2022, How do local actors coordinate to implement a successful biogas project? Environmental Science & Policy, 136, October, 337-347.

Jambou M., Torre A., Dermine-Brullot S., Bourdin S., 2022, Inter-firm cooperation and local industrial ecology processes: evidence from three French case studies, The Annals of Regional Science, 68, 331-358. DOI: 10.1007/s00168-021-01088-5

Magsi H., Sabir M., Torre A., Chandio A.A., 2022, Management practices to minimize land use conflicts on large infrastructure projects: examples of dams’ construction in Pakistan, GeoJournal, DOI: 10.1007/s10708-021-10532-0

Pumain D., Torre A., 2020, Regional science: economy and geography in France and French-speaking countries, Papers in Regional Science, 99:293–313. DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12513

Bustos Gallardo B., Lukas M., Stamm C., Torre A., 2019, Neoliberalismo y gobernanza territorial: propuestas y reflexiones a partir del caso de Chile, Revista de geografía Norte Grande, Sept. DOI: 10.4067/S0718-34022019000200161


Torre A., Gallaud D. (eds.), 2022, Handbook of Proximity relations, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 496p.

Torre A., Corsi S., Steiner M., Wallet F. Westlund H. (eds.), 2020, Smart development for rural areas, Routledge, 226p.

Torre A., Wallet F., 2016, Regional Development in Rural Areas. Analytical tools and Public policies, Springer Briefs in Regional Science, Springer, 110 p.