Andre Torre publication

Chembessi, C., Bourdin, S., Torre, A.

Towards a territorialisation of the circular economy: the proximity of stakeholders and resources matters

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2024, Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, rsae007,

Andre Torre publication

Torre, A.

Contribution to the theory of Territorial development - A territorial innovation approach

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2023, Regional Studies,

Andre Torre publication

Torre, A., Chia, E.

Aprender a gobernar los territorios. Reflexiones sobre los resortes de la acción territorial

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2023, Persona Y Sociedad, 37(1), 41-58.

Andre Torre publication

Niang, A., Bourdin, S., Torre, A.

The geography of circular economy: job creation, territorial embeddedness and local public policies

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2023, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, , 67(12), 2939–2954. Doi : 10.1080/09640568.2023.221074949

Andre Torre publication

Torre, A., Wallet, F., Huang, J

A collaborative and multidisciplinary approach to knowledge-based rural development: 25 years of the PSDR program in France

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2023, Journal of Rural Studies, 97, 428-437. DOI:10.1016/j.jrurstud.2022.12.034

Andre Torre publication

Torre, A., Fonseca, B.

Conflict and oppositions in the development of peri‐urban agriculture: The case of the Greater São Paulo region

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2023, Sociologia Ruralis, 63, 1, 160-177. DOI:10.1111/soru.12375

Andre Torre publication

Zhang, Y., Torre A., Ehrlich M.

The impact of Chinese government promoted homestead transfer on labor migrations and household’s well-being: a study in three rural areas

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2023, Journal of Asian Economics, DOI: 10.1016/j.asieco.2023.101616

Andre Torre publication

Torre A., Wallet F., Huang J.

Le foncier agricole, nouvel enjeu des politiques d’aménagement de l’espace

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2023, Economie Rurale, 1, 283, 7 – 13 : DOI 10.4000/economierurale.10896

Andre Torre publication

Bourdin S., Torre A.,

Geography of Contestation: A Study on the Yellow Vest Movement and the Rise of Populism in France

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2023, Journal of Regional Science, 63, 1, 214-235, DOI: 10.1111/jors.12620

Andre Torre publication

Torre, A., Bourdin, S.

The French territorial reform of the regions: Objectives, risks and challenges for some forgotten territories

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2023, International Journal of Public Administration, 46(11), 761-772.

Andre Torre publication

Torre A.

Les dimensions coopératives du développement territorial

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2022, Revue Internationale de l’Economie Sociale (RECMA), 364, 2, 238 – 249.

Andre Torre publication

Magsi H., Sabir M., Torre A., Chandio A.A.

Management practices to minimize land use conflicts on large infrastructure projects: examples of dams construction in Pakistan

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2022, GeoJournal, DOI: 10.1007/s10708-021-10532-0

Andre Torre publication

Niang A., Torre A., Bourdin B.

How do local actors coordinate to implement a successful biogas project?

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2022, Environmental Science & Policy,, 136, October, 337-347.

Andre Torre publication

Niang A., Bourdin B., Torre A.

Vers une territorialisation des dynamiques de l’économie circulaire ? Analyse du cas français, 2008-2015

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2022, Revue d'Economie Industrielle, 177, 1, 67 - 101.

Andre Torre publication

Torre A.

Smart development for peripheral areas. A never-ending story?

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2022, Tér és Társadalom (Hungarian Review of Regional Science), 36, 3, 10-27.