A Doctor in economics and Accredited to supervise research, I am a Distinguished Research Professor at INRAE (the National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment), at the University of Paris-Saclay and AgroParisTech.

My research was for a long time at the cross roads of spatial and industrial economics; it is today multidisciplinary, on the border of Geography and Planning.

I am interested in local relationships and their importance in coordination processes between actors, with two main areas of study:

– the dynamics of territorial development and local modes of governance, conflicts and cooperation, with a focus on rural areas and circular economy;

– local and remote interactions between firms and organizations, particularly in terms of knowledge transmission.

I have published more than 200 articles and around 25 books, mainly on spatial dimensions and coordination between local actors.

My involvement in research administration leads me to take on the positions of editor-in-chief of the RERU (Revue d’Economie Régionale et Urbaine, Journal of Regional and Urban Economics), Director of the COFECUB program https://www.campusfrance.org/fr/capes -cofecub and President of the INRAE Center of Corsica.

I am also past President of ERSA (European Regional Association) http://www.ersa.org/ and ASRDLF (French Association of Regional Sciences in French Language), as well as former Director of PSDR Programs (For and On Regional Development).