Articles in peer-reviewed Journals

Bourdin S., Torre A.
Economic geographys contribution to understanding the circular economy
2025, Journal of Economic Geography, 25, 2, 293308. Doi/10.1093/jeg/lbae040

Torre, A.,
Territorial development: towards a dynamic and innovative understanding
2025, Regional Studies,15.

Fonseca, B., Torre., A.
La Gouvernance des terres agricoles en Ile-de-France. Une analyse des conflits dusage des sols, dans un contexte de préservation des surfaces agricoles alimentaires
2025, Canadian Journal of Regional Science, 48, 1, 15-26.

Torre, A., Bourdin, S., Dermine-Brullot, S., Jambou, M.
Implementing industrial and territorial ecology: The role of proximity and intermediaries in three French case studies
2025, Journal of Industrial Ecology,

Fernandez García, T., Torre, A., Rubiera Morollón, F.
Well always have Paris? Spatial inequalities and the rise of political discontent in the metropolitan region of Paris
2024, Regional Science Policy & Practice,, DOI: /10.1016/j.rspp.2024.100157

Arfaoui N., Bourdin S., Torre A., Vernier M-F.& Vo L-C.
Geographical and organised proximities influencing circular economy practices: the closer partners, the better?
2024, Regional Studies, DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2024.2406232

Chembessi, C., Bourdin, S., Torre, A.
Towards a territorialisation of the circular economy: the proximity of stakeholders and resources matters
2024, Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, rsae007,

Torre, A.
Contribution to the theory of Territorial development - A territorial innovation approach
2023, Regional Studies,

Torre, A., Chia, E.
Aprender a gobernar los territorios. Reflexiones sobre los resortes de la acción territorial
2023, Persona Y Sociedad, 37(1), 41-58.

Niang, A., Bourdin, S., Torre, A.
The geography of circular economy: job creation, territorial embeddedness and local public policies
2023, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, , 67(12), 29392954. Doi : 10.1080/09640568.2023.221074949

Torre, A., Wallet, F., Huang, J
A collaborative and multidisciplinary approach to knowledge-based rural development: 25 years of the PSDR program in France
2023, Journal of Rural Studies, 97, 428-437. DOI:10.1016/j.jrurstud.2022.12.034

Torre, A., Fonseca, B.
Conflict and oppositions in the development of peri‐urban agriculture: The case of the Greater São Paulo region
2023, Sociologia Ruralis, 63, 1, 160-177. DOI:10.1111/soru.12375

Zhang, Y., Torre A., Ehrlich M.
The impact of Chinese government promoted homestead transfer on labor migrations and households well-being: a study in three rural areas
2023, Journal of Asian Economics, DOI: 10.1016/j.asieco.2023.101616

Torre A., Wallet F., Huang J.
Le foncier agricole, nouvel enjeu des politiques daménagement de lespace
2023, Economie Rurale, 1, 283, 7 13 : DOI 10.4000/economierurale.10896

Bourdin S., Torre A.,
Geography of Contestation: A Study on the Yellow Vest Movement and the Rise of Populism in France
2023, Journal of Regional Science, 63, 1, 214-235, DOI: 10.1111/jors.12620