André Torre
Articles presented at conferences and seminars
Les facteurs de connectivité et d’ancrage territorial des clusters
Torre A.

Journée « Quelles synergies Enseignement Recherche & Entreprises sur le plateau de Saclay pour favoriser l'innovation? », HEC Paris, Saclay, 19 janvier.
Des Clusters aux Ecosystèmes industriels locaux
Torre A.

Conférence « Concepts et enjeux liés au cluster d’aujourd’hui », Agroparistech, Paris, 18 Janvier.
Governance and production, the two drivers of territorial development
Torre A.

Conference, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chili, 12th December.
Is there a smart development for rural areas? First lessons from a few sectoral studies
Torre A.

XI Iberian Conference on Rural Studies, Smart and Inclusive Development in Rural Areas, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD), Vila Real, Portugal, 13th - 15th October.
Regional development and proximity relations
Torre A.

Symposium Regional Development in Western Asia. A Regional Science Perspective, Armenian State University of Economics, Yerevan, Arménie, 2nd Octobre.
Does smart development apply to all European regions?
Torre A.

Associazione Italiana di Scienze Regionali (AISRe), XXXVII Conferenza scientifica annuale, Sessione plenaria «Aree Interne e Territori Intermedi», Ancona 20-22 Settembre, Italy.
Sustainable territorial development. Through local resources and involvement of populations
Torre A.

INFER International Workshop on Economic Growth and Sustainable Development, School of Environment, Geography and Applied Economics, Harokopio University, Athens, 9-10 September, Greece.
The theory of territorial development
Torre A.

“Nurturing New Talent”, PhD Student Workshop, Regional Science Association International (RSAI), Romanian Regional Science Association (RRSA), Bucharest University of Economic Studies, 19-20 May, Roumanie.
André Torre
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