André Torre
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique INRA
Supported and financed by Agro Paris Tech and the Universities of Paris V and XI
Monthly seminar on Conflicts and Territories
Marianne Ehrlich, Thierry Kirat and André Torre
The objective of this monthly seminar is to provide a forum for discussions on the question of land-related conflicts, and particularly on the role of conflicts in the development and governance of territories.
There is growing interest, within different scientific disciplines, in the question of conflict, particularly in urban, rural and peri-urban areas. There is a need for an analysis of the different types of conflicts and tensions, of their origins, of how they are expressed and resolved at local level.
The « Conflicts and Territories » seminar aims to initiate discussions on these questions, to present the results of current research studies and the recent advances made in the different scientific fields, concerning the question of conflict.
The debate, which started with a presentation of various applied or fundamental research studies, must enable the participants to compare their experiences and to help gain a better understanding of the dynamics of conflict.
Within this framework, we aim to improve our knowledge concerning the distribution of land for different uses (residential, recreational, productive, etc), and to describe the economic, socio-cognitive and spatial interactions between the populations concerned, and the modes of coordination associated with them. The two-hour seminar starts with the presentation or review of a research study on the question of conflicts and is followed with a discussion with the participants. The seminar is held every last Tuesday of each month from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm, in the premises of Agro Paris Tech (INA-PG). The texts of the various interventions are published at the end of the year in a special publication distributed to all participants to the Seminar. Academic support will subsequently be sought (journals, collective books).
Fields and Disciplines concerned:
Agronomy, Land planning, Law, Ecology, Economics, Ethnology, Geography, Philosophy, Psychology, Management Science, Sociology, Urban planning…
Schedule 2006: V. Manceron (Anthropologist, CNRS Paris); Ph.Jeanneaux (Economist, ENITA Clermont) ; Ch. Schmitt (Economist, Dauphine University ); G.Benhayoun (Economist, Aix-Marseille III University); A. Lecourt (Geographer, Rennes II University); G. Faburel (Land planner, Paris XII University).
Schedule 2007: J. Cavailhes (Economist, ENESAD Dijon), R. Melot (Sociologist, INRA Paris), P. Melé (Geographer, Tours University), C. Laurent (Economist, INRA Paris), S. Paquette (Land Planner, Montreal Unesco Chair), A. Cadoret (Geographer, Montpellier III University), M.L. Rouquette (Social-psychologist, Paris V University). Y. Rumpala (Political scientist, Nice University), E. Charmes (Urban planner, Paris Urban Planning Institute).
Schedule 2008 : O. Bouba-Olga (Economist, Poitiers University ), J-E. Beuret (Economist, ENSA Rennes), A. Caron (Economist, Métafort Clermont Joint Research Unit), M. Mormont (Sociologist, Liège University), J-M. Dziedzicki (Land planner, French Rail Network), G. Géniaux and C. Napoleone (Economists, Avignon INRA), C. Mann (Economist, Métafort Clermont Joint Research Unit)
Schedule 2009 :M. Rey and L. Thevoz (Geographers, Urban and Regional Planning Community of the Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne), P. Subra (Political scientist, University of Paris VIII), V. Lavaud (Geographer, University of Montpellier III), J-G Contamin (Political scientist, , University of Lille 2) and L. Lacan (Sociologist, Halbwachs Centre - ENS Jourdan)
Click here for the videos of the Conflicts and Territories Seminar:
André Torre
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