Communications à colloques
Territorial development and circular economy. The preservation of local resources
André Torre
Rhegion 2020-2030, Virtual, May, 26-28, 2020.
The difficult integration of conflict behaviors in the economic analysis (Let’s deal with territorial governance)
André Torre
3e Encontro Annual de Economia Politica, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Porto, Porto (Portugal), 31 Janeiro 2020.
François Perroux on regional development and growth pole theory
André Torre
Regional Science Academy: The Voice of Regional Science, NARSC Annual Congress, Pittsburgh USA, 13-16 November 2019.
Exploiting local and external resources in the theory of territorial development
Torre A.
7th Central European Conference in Regional Science, Sopron (Hungary), 9-11 October 2019.
Les politiques de croissance européennes et leur efficacité sur les zones rurales
André Torre
Seminario Governança Territorial no Brazil, Cachoeira (Brazil), 9 Septembre 2019.
Is there a Smart development for rural areas?
André Torre
Papers in Regional Science Lecture, 59th ERSA Congress, Lyon, August, 27-30, 2019.
Les moteurs du développement territorial
André Torre
Colloque joint de l’ASRDLF et de l’Association Roumaine de Sciences Régionales, Iasi (Roumanie), 04-06 Juillet 2019.
Proximity relations… Territorial development… what is it all about
André Torre
ERSA Summer School, Katowice (Poland), 18 June 2019.