Le rôle des conflits dans les processus de développement des territoires. Bilan de 10 ans de recherche
Réforme territoriale
Blog Big Bang Territorial: http://bigbangterritorial.unblog.fr/
Le blog big bang territorial propose aux participants d'engager la discussion sur la réforme territorial lancée par le Président de la République et les pouvoirs publics.
Il est administré par André Torre et Sébastien Bourdin. Les billets doivent être envoyés à l’adresse : RERU@asrdlf.org
Réforme territoriale
Scoop.it! Big Bang Territorial: http://www.scoop.it/t/big-bang-territorial
Retrouvez au jour le jour l'actualité de la réforme territoriale.
Curateur : André Torre
Le rapport du CESE reprend une partie de mes propositions, faites lors de mon audition
2023The Future of Liveable Cities Springer, 335p. Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-37466-1_10 in Fusco Girard, L., Kourtit, K., Nijkamp, P. (eds.)
The impact of Chinese government promoted homestead transfer on labor migrations and household’s well-being: a study in three rural areas
2020Covid-19 et agriculture : Une opportunité pour la transition agricole et alimentaire ? Presses des Mines, Paris, 358p. in Dron M., Kim-Bonbled Ph.(eds.)
Nuevas propuestas para analizar el desarrollo territorial
Infrastructural Projects and Land Use Conflicts in Developing and Developed Countries: A Study Based on Comparative Review of Literature and Different Case Studies
Mars 2020Regional Intelligence, Springer Nature, Switzerland. in Vaz, E. (ed.)
Justice spatiale et conflits territoriaux dans un contexte néolibéral. Le cas du plan stratégique de Til Til dans la région métropolitaine de Santiago du Chili
Jorge P., Chia E., Torre A., Stamm C., Bustos B., Lukas M.
2019Systèmes alimentaires / Food Systems 4, 27-47. DOI: 10.15122/isbn.978-2-406-09829-4.p.0027
Governança dos Arranjos Produtivos Locais (APLs), redes territoriais e proximidades na Amazônia brasileira: o caso do APL Goiaba no nordeste paraense brasileiro
2019Sociologues et économistes face à la demande de savoirs, MSH Paris-Saclay éditions, Paris, 288p. in Bresson M., Cartier-Bresson J., Hirschhorn M. (eds.)
Highlighting smart development patterns in rural areas. Some proposals
2019Sustainable villages and Green Landscapes in the “New Urban World” Shaker Publishing, Maastricht, 264p. in Nijkamp P., Kourtit K., Kocornik-Mina A. (eds)
Territorial development and proximity relationships
2019Handbook of Regional and Development Theories, 2nd edition 2nd edition, Edward Elgar Publishers, Cheltenham, 674 p. in Capello R. and Nijkamp P. (eds.)
Neoliberalismo y gobernanza territorial: propuestas y reflexiones a partir del caso de Chile / Neoliberalism and territorial governance: proposals and reflections based on the case of Chile
Proximities and the role of relational networks in innovation: The case of the dairy industry in two villages of the “green municipality” of Paragominas in the Eastern Amazon
2018Regional Science Policy and Practice, DOI: 10.1111/rsp3.12151.
Coexistence et hybridation des modèles agricoles en Amazonie orientale. L’exemple la production laitière dans deux villages de la « commune verte » de Paragominas
2017Regional Cooperation in South Asia. Socio-economic, Spatial, Ecological and Institutional Aspects, Springer, 363 p. in Bandyopadhyay S., Torre A., Casaca P., Dentinho T. (eds.),
Les moteurs du développement territorial
Torre A.,
Journée d’études Action collective et action publique, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, 20 avril 2017
Novas formas de coordenação e evolução dos modelos sócio-técnicos. Exemplo da cadeia produtiva do leite a proximidade da zona urbana de Paragominas
Polge E., Torre A., Wallet F.
Seminário de restituição do Programa ANR Ecotera, Belém (Pará, Brasil), 4 abril 2017,
Land-use conflict and socio-economic impacts of infrastructure projects: the case of Diamer Bhasha Dam in Pakistan
Is there a smart development for rural areas? First lessons from a few sectoral studies
Torre A.
XI Iberian Conference on Rural Studies, Smart and Inclusive Development in Rural Areas, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD), Vila Real, Portugal, 13th - 15th October.
Regional development and proximity relations
Torre A.
Symposium Regional Development in Western Asia. A Regional Science Perspective, Armenian State University of Economics, Yerevan, Arménie, 2nd Octobre.
Does smart development apply to all European regions?
Torre A.
2016 Associazione Italiana di Scienze Regionali (AISRe), XXXVII Conferenza scientifica annuale, Sessione plenaria «Aree Interne e Territori Intermedi», Ancona 20-22 Settembre, Italy.
Sustainable territorial development. Through local resources and involvement of populations
Torre A.
2016 INFER International Workshop on Economic Growth and Sustainable Development, School of Environment, Geography and Applied Economics, Harokopio University, Athens, 9-10 September, Greece.
La proximité territoriale au cœur des dynamiques de développement des territoires
2016,Au cœur des territoires créatifs, Proximités et ressources territoriales, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, Rennes, 295 p. in Glon E., Pecqueur B. (eds.)
El rol de la gobernanza territorial y de los conflictos de uso en los procesos de desarrollo de los territorios
2016 “Nurturing New Talent”, PhD Student Workshop, Regional Science Association International (RSAI), Romanian Regional Science Association (RRSA), Bucharest University of Economic Studies, 19-20 May, Roumanie.
Des réformes territoriales qui posent bien des questions
2014Pouvoirs Locaux, La revue de la décentralisation, N° 101, II, (juin), 35- 38
Proximity relations at the heart of territorial development processes. From clusters, spatial conflicts and temporary geographical proximity to territorial governance,
Proximity analysis of inefficient practices and socio-spatial negligence: Evidence, evaluations and recommendations drawn from the construction of Chotiari reservoir in Pakistan,
Territorial proximity, territorial development and challenges for the new rurality
Torre A.
2016 7th International Conference on Localized Agri-Food Systems, Challenges for the new rurality in a changing world, Södertörn University, Stockholm 08 - 10 May, Sweden.
Localisation et ancrage des firmes agroalimentaires
2013Applied Regional Growth and Innovation Models, Advances in Spatial Science, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, N. York, 360 p. in Kourtit K., Nijkamp P., Stimson R. (eds),
2013Springer Encyclopedia of creativity, invention, innovation and entrepreneurship, Springer Verlag, N. York & Heidelberg, 1908 p. in Carayannis E.G. (ed),
Land-use conflicts and the sharing of resources between urban and agricultural activities in the Greater Paris Region,
2013Renewing Innovation Systems in Agriculture and Food: How to go towards more sustainability?, Wageningen Academic Publishers, 240 p. in Coudel E., Devautour H., Soulard C.T., Faure G., Hubert B. (eds),
Innovations et gouvernance des Territoires ruraux, Apprendre à innover dans un monde incertain,