Communications à colloques
Territorial proximity, territorial development and challenges for the new rurality
Torre A.
7th International Conference on Localized Agri-Food Systems, Challenges for the new rurality in a changing world, Södertörn University, Stockholm 08 - 10 May, Sweden.
Land use and neighborhood conflicts in rural and suburban French areas
Torre A.
Conférence invitée à la 5th Annual Conference on Economic Growth and Development, Panel Discussion on Land Conflicts, Indian Statistical Institute
2009 Dehli, December 16-18
Conflits d’usage et partage des ressources entre ville et agriculture. Résultats à partir de la presse quotidienne régionale dans le cas de l’Ile-de-France
Darly S., Torre A.
3èmes journées de recherches en Sciences Sociales, INRA/SFER/CIRAD
2009 Montpellier, 9-11 Décembre
Conflits et gouvernance territoriale
Torre A.
Conférence invitée au Séminaire International « Desenvolvimento sustentavel et territorios ruralis : desafios para a açao publica »,
2009 Campinha Grande, 22-25 Septembre
The Modalities of territorial Embededness of French Cooperative Groups
Filippi M., Frey O., Torre A.
49th ERSA Congress, “Territorial Cohesion of Europe and Integrative Planning”
2009 Lodz, August 25-29th
Understanding the trade-off between face to face interactions and ICT relations during long distance collaborative projects. Temporary geographical proximity helps!
Torre A.
International Workshop on Creative, Intellectual and Entrepreneurial Resources for Regional development: Analysis and Policy
2009 Tinbergen Institute and VU University, Amsterdam, 15 & 16 June
Conflits et coopération. Les deux faces des processus de gouvernance des territoires
Torre A.
Séminaire de l’Ecole Française de Rome
2009 Rome, 28 Mai
Poles of competitiveness. An ambiguous return to local applications of the French industrial policy
Plunket A., Torre A.
Conference “Regional Competitiveness Clusters and Economic Development”
2009 2 & 3 March, HEC - Management School of the University of Liege